The Hui Aroha was the official welcome home to the members of the NZ Maori Battalion who lived between Opotiki and Wairarapa. Held on 8 April 1919 at the racecourse in Gisborne
To commemorate the centenary of the Hui Aroha and the Wi Pere monument, and in conjunction with the launch of the book Whitiki: Maori in the First World War, the Nga Taonga a Nga Tama Toa Trust is organising a parade, including a 100-man guard of dressed in First World War-period uniforms. The parade will commence at Heipipi Park at 12 midday on Saturday 8 June ending at Te Poho-o-Rawiri Marae. Sir Peter Jackson is supplying the 100 uniforms for the guard. The Trust invites volunteers to register for the guard to the Nga taonga a nga tama toa Trust’s facebook page. so if you are between 15 and 45 years old, male and keen to be part of this kaupapa |