Tatai Oranga Community Hui – Joining Forces to tackle GOUT and related conditions with NPH research partners from Otago Uni Prif, Tony Merriman, Anezja Hoskins, Dr. Cassidy Moeke, Dr. Phillip Wilcox
Tokomaru Bay Wed, 31 October 2-3.30pm Senior Citizens Room
Ruatoria Thu, 1 November 10-11.30am NPH Clinic
Te Puia Springs Thu, 1 November 1-2pm NPH Board Room
Gisborne Thu, 1 November 7-8pm Huringa Pai FB Livestream
Uawa Fri, 2 November 11am – 12.30pm NPH Uawa Hub
Please join in the korero about recent and earlier research findings, newly discovered genetic variants only found in Maori and other pacific peoples, roles of genes and kai in gout and related conditions etc…