Ka tū he wānanga takutai moana mō Rohe Moana 1 mō ngā uri o ngā hapū katoa o Rohe Moana 1 (mai Potikirua ki Whangaokena) a te Hātarei te toru tekau o ngā rā o Hānuere ki te pā o Hinerupe. Ka tīmata te hui ā te tekau o ngā haora i te ata atu ki te rua o ngā haora i te ahiahi. Ko ngā kaupapa o te wānanga nei ko te whakawhitiwhiti whakaaro ko te whakawhitiwhiti kōrero mō ngā tikanga, ngā kawa ngā ture rānei o nehe rā tae noa mai ki tēnei wā tonu e pā ana te māngoingoi, te hī ika, te ruku moāna, te rāhui ērā atu momo kaupapa katoa. He pirangi nō ngā kaitiaki o te rohe moana tahi ki te whakarongo ki ngā kōrero ki ngā tikanga o tēnā whānau o tēnā hapū huri noa rohe moana tahi. Ko te tuatahi tēnei o ngā wānanga pēnei, Kua mutu ngā wānanga katoa ko te tumaanako ia mā ngā uri katoa o rohe moana tahi e whakarite i ngā tikanga mō rohe moana tahi. E hika mā nau mai haramai. Nā ngā katiaki o Rohe Moana 1.
A wānanga for the descendants of all the hapū within the rohe moana 1 district, from Potikirua to Whangaokena, has been scheduled for Saturday the 30th of January at Hinerupe. The wānanga will begin at 10am and should finish around 2pm. The trustees would like to hear from the various families and hapū within rohe moana 1 their histories and traditional and modern practices regarding the activities associated with our moana, such as various methods of fishing, diving, restrictions and any other topic that pertains to the activites carried out on the shore line and out to sea boundaries of rohe moana 1. This is the first of these wānanga, at the conclusion of all the wānanga, it is hoped that with input from all the families and hapū of rohe moana 1 new regualtions from rohe moana 1 will be able to be drafted. Rohe Moana 1 Trustees