The Rural Support Roadshow will be in Hicks Bay from 10am to 12pm and Tikitiki from 1pm to 3pm on Tuesday the 18th of June.
Inland Revenue, Gisborne District Council, Moniora Budget Advisory, Te Puni Kokiri, CCS Disability Action and The Electoral Commission will be available to help you.
The Rural Support Roadshow will be in Ruatorea from 10am to 12pm and Tolaga Bay from 2pm to 4pm on Wednesday the 19th of June.
Inland Revenue, Gisborne District Council, Moniora Budget Advisory, Te Puni Kokiri, ACC, The Maori Land Court, Life Unlimited, Tairawhiti Community Law Centre, Citizens Advice Bureau and The Electoral Commission will be available to help you.
The Rural Support Roadshow is a series of workshops throughout the Tairawhiti, where multiple agencies are available in one space to help you kanohi ki te kanohi.