The One Billion Trees Programme (1BT) is coming to meet with Tairawhiti Maori landowners to share information on opportunities available to plant trees on your whenua.
This invites you to the following hui:
Wednesday 5 June, 1 -3.30pm, Pavilion, Uepohatu Marae, Whakarua Park, RUATORIA
Thursday 6 June, 10am-12.30pm War Memorial Hall, WAIROA then 2.30 – 4pm, MPI Boardroom, 59 Awapuni Road, GISBORNE
1. 1Billion Trees overview
a. Direct landowner/land treatment grants
b. Partnership funding
c. Crown Forestry
d. Matariki tu rākau
For more information in the lead up to the meeting, check out https://www.teururakau.govt.nz/funding-and-programmes/forestry/planting-one-billion-trees/
If you/your block have thought about it already, bring your proposed project/maps/ideas to discuss with the people who can help you progress an application.
Any questions – and to RSVP – please let me know.
Heoi na,
Sarah Pohatu | Senior Advisor
06-8243538 | 022 015 9754 | Web: www.mpi.govt.nz